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Bartleby and Friends

Bartleby and Friends is a three-level series of illustrated books designed for EFL readers. I designed and edited this series, with input from the author and other team members. Here is the evolution of the cover for one of the books in level 1, from initial line drawing to high-resolution cover.

Bartleby and Friends


The interior design for this book in the Bartleby and Friends series also went through many changes. Click through the slideshow to see how the book evolved, and how the design changed from one-page spreads to two-page spreads.

Nothing is complete the first time.

Design takes time, energy, and input to achieve perfection. These are some examples of books I've worked on, from concept to execution.

EnglishCentral​​ Practical 1

This is a sample of Unit 7 of EnglishCentral Practical 1, the first of a five-book university series for EFL learners. I was initially in charge of the editing, while the design was done by a team in the Philippines. After the first pilot printing in March 2012, I was instructed to redesign the book to conform with the other books in the series.

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